In the old days, these lumps found on the hands and feet were referred to as bible cysts because people used to drop the biggest book at that time, the bible on them to get rid of them. A small number of people have ongoing pain and stiffness in the area after surgery. The traditional method of treating a ganglion cyst involves hitting it hard with a heavy. For a start, hitting a part of your body hard with a heavy book will hurt. Historically, an old nonmedical remedy was to hit the lump with a heavy book, in order to rupture the cyst. You can wait to see if the cyst dissipates on its own, or try other conventional treatments such as placing ice on the cyst, aspiration and surgical removal. If you have a cyst of the ganglion variety, you have a few options you can leave it alone, you can have surgery, you can hit it with a book, you can try alternative methods, etc. A ganglion cyst always forms near a joint, and a doctor can usually recognize one by examining it visually.
This can cause injury and even if successful, the lump may return larger than the first. Safer and more accurate treatments are recommended, however. You can also apply an ice pack to the ganglion cyst or massage the area to get rid of swelling. Unless you have weak bones, i can t see why you d be hurt by a little bible bashing. They are not harmful or cancerous, although they may cause some people discomfort. Well, maybe not with a book, but i can t imagine slamming parts of your body into a shower wall is very healthy.
When you get a cyst on your wrist, many say its best to hit it with a heavy book. The name bible cyst is thought to come from an old practice where you wacked the thing with a big book to get rid of it. Is it safe to hit a ganglion cyst on the wrist with a book. Obvious pitfalls to this treatment include hurting yourself if you hit a nerve by. I was talking to a good friend of mine today who loves facebook, and she said that someone she knows posted something about a painful ganglion cyst in her hand, and how that led to a reply suggesting that another term for what she has is bible cyst, because if you hit the cyst hard enough with a heavy book like the bible, it will go away.
Like surgery, aspiration needles or hitting them with books. Besides, if we look at unas response, its not entirely unheard of. Since almost every home owned a bible and it was often the largest book in the home, this is what was commonly used, which led to the nickname of bible. But is not advised as it will most probaly reoccur. However, unless you want the cyst removed for cosmetic reasons there is no reason to remove a cyst it usually doesnt hurt and does not restrict movement. It wont hurt to actually pop the cyst which sometimes happens on its own, by the way, but if you hit the cyst with a book you might bruise the area around where you hit it just like if you had. An old folk remedy for a ganglion cyst included thumping the cyst with a heavy object such as a book. It may be that the force of the bash disperses the fluid in the cyst or puts it back where it came from. Does hitting a ganglion cyst with a book hurt answers. Sometimes it does work, works best if on the top of the wrist and you flex or bend wrist to expose cyst. As the name implies, you simply hit the ganglion cyst with a book. Sure its safe to whack your ganglion with a bible, but unfortunately its really not too effective in the long run.
What you need to know about ganglion cysts wellness. These forms of treatment are no longer suggested, however, because they have not been shown to keep the ganglion cysts from returning and could, in fact, cause further injury. Although you can get them near any joint, 60 to 70 percent of ganglion cysts develop on the front or back of the wrist. You have a ganglion cystor bible bump,because in the old days they would whack it with a bible, hoping it would burst the cyst. A ganglion cyst is a swelling or tumor on a joint or tendon sheath. Another treatment is called bible therapy or hitting the cyst with a heavy book to make the cyst burst.
Ganglion cysts usually appear as bumps on the back of the hand and at either side of the wrist. A ganglion cyst is a fluidfilled swelling that develops near a joint or a tendon. This is a simple procedure that can be done under local or general anaesthetic. Sometimes painful, sometimes not, they are benign growths that are generally annoying but are not dangerous. Your doctor can be sure that you have a ganglion cyst, keep you from. A doctor can be sure that you have a ganglion cyst, keep you from worrying, and help decide on the best treatment plan for you. You may get rid of the cyst, but you could end up with more damage. It has even extended to use of a heavy book to physically smash the cyst. The exact cause of ganglion cysts is unknown, and many of these cysts do not cause symptoms. If a cyst becomes irritated or inflamed, a cortisone injection may be recommended. Sometimes, other conditions like lipomas, bone spurs, local infections, and in rare cases, even bone tumors, can. While it may sound barbaric, a common way to swiftly get rid of a ganglion cyst is to hit it with a book.
They usually form over a joint or tendon in the fingers, wrists, ankles or soles of the feet. Can you get rid of a ganglion cyst by bashing it with a. These cysts are sometimes called bible bumps because one of the traditional treatments involves using a heavy book such as a bible to burst the cyst. One way to cope with having a ganglion cyst is by taking antiinflammatory painkillers like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium to reduce swelling and pain.
They may be soft or hard, and they should be able to move freely under the skin. The cyst can range from the size of a pea to the size of a golf ball. Then he came back with a large book and told me to put my hand on the table, raised it in the air and i flipped out wtf are you doing. This free remedy only costs the amount of courage needed to implement it. Doctor answers on symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and more. If you hit the area hard enough and at the wrong angle, then you could even break a bone. I had one like that, took the biggest book i found i hit it. While some describe the method as smashing or whacking, it may not even take quite the force these words would imply.
If you have a ganglion cyst on your hand or foot, the treatments can be painful, if not dire. If its truly a cyst, and thats fairly straightforward to confirm, then there is no real danger. If the ganglion cyst is causing you a lot of pain, go to the doctor to see if they recommend. First, find a hardback book that you can easily handle with one hand.
A ganglion cyst is a common, benign noncancerous, fluidfilled lump found on joints or tendons. But, as claudia hammond reveals, its best not to take matters into your own hands. In any case, this isnt the best way to fix the problem. A ganglion cyst does not need to have emergency treatment unless one has significant trauma. And since the largest and most commonly found book in most households was a bible, they were called bible cysts. If you re looking into ganglion cyst removal, theres really only one removal option, and thats surgery you can hit the cyst with a big book thus the nickname bible cyst, you can have it drained with a needle and syringe, but if you want to actually remove the cyst, ganglion cyst surgery is the only option. One traditional treatment was to hit them with a heavy book, usually a family bible, which would disrupt the capsule holding the fluid of the cyst. The bible was the bigest book many owned back in the day.
On the other hand or foot, ganglion cysts are noncancerous bumps filled with thick, clear fluid and can occur on feet, ankles, wrists, or hands. A good smack will deflate the cyst temporarily but the fluid will collect again. Not only can this treatment injure the areas near the cyst, but also it can lead to infection. They are also called bible cysts because in the past, treatment included hitting them with a bible or a large book. Fluid drained from popping a ganglion is reabsorbed over time. Are there any dangers to leaving a ganglion cyst on the. Home remedies for ganglion cysts top 10 home remedies. Tap the cyst a couple of times lightly on the cyst. The size of the lumps can range from peasize to nearly an inch in diameter.
The legend is that treatment involved using a bible, thus the name giddeons disease was born. Ganglionic cysts form on the elbow, knee, foot, shoulder, wrist, toe or finger. If pain occurs due to the ganglion foot cyst, you may want to consult a doctor before attempting any treatments. A ganglion cyst can benefit from medical evaluation whether or not there are symptoms. They most often occur at the back of the wrist followed by the front of the wrist. Roughly half of ganglion cysts removed this way will come back. If you had one of these cysts, the athome treatment was to smash it with a book. A ganglion cyst is a fluidfilled bump associated with a joint or tendon sheath. Ganglion cysts, also known as bible cysts or bible bumps, are small, round sacs or lumps filled with a viscous synovial fluid. If you hit the area hard enough and at the wrong angle, then you could even break. I had one of these, i went to my doctor and he said he will have to consult his medical book. Ganglion cysts wristhand lumps and bumps orthopedic. A ganglion cyst is a sort of balloon or sac that forms as an outpouching of the lining tissue of joints and tendons capsule or synovial lining.
Painful cysts can also be drained with a thin needle after the area is numbed. Its not clear why hitting a ganglion cyst with a book works. How to use a book to get rid of a ganglion cyst earth clinic. Is it okay to whack a bibleganglion cyst with a book. Yes it will reduce the ganglion cyst for a while, but it can build up scar tissue over time and eventually impact the function of the tendon. I had never heard of these cysts and he explained that its just best to smash it. Based on the above information, it is almost impossible to remove ganglion cysts, ganglion wrist cysts, ganglion knee cysts bakers cysts or any other cysts in their entirety by the prescribed external methods of treatments.
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